The "Main" page serves for setting of main parameters of AVAST32 program
"Show all computers that run engine" check box enables displaying of all available computers with running program engine.
"Display files not allowed by Windows to open" check box enables displaying of tested files results even for files which testing hasn't been allowed, e.g. has been used by another application during the test.
"Display files that report an error during test" check box determines that even files, which reported an error during its testing, will be displayed in the test results.
"Activate internal help during startup" check box serves for the automatic lunch of the Help file of AVAST32 after its start. If you have enough memory and use the help a lot it is recommended to leave the check box checked. The box is checked by default.
By checking "Suppress printing of header" check box you cause that during the printing of results a header containing computer name, date and page number will not be printed.